Many people often portray a perfect image of pregnancy and childbirth. However, there are some difficult truths about these experiences that are rarely discussed. Find out 30 things no one tells you about pregnancy and childbirth.
Of course, nothing beats the happiness of being a mother, but it does have its own share of struggles, triumphs, pains,, and challenges. Would it not be nice if instead of going clichĂ©, people for once told you brutal but honest truths of what is going to come up ahead? We spoke to some real moms and collated the 30 things below that no one tells you about pregnancy and childbirth. Many may sound ‘eeww,’ but they are true, will happen, and you will definitely get through all of them. The joys of motherhood will be all yours, but you don’t really jump onto them the moment you read a ‘positive pregnancy test’.
30 Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy And Child Birth
Pregnancy and childbirth are often depicted as magical experiences, but many hidden truths remain unacknowledged. From unexpected physical changes to emotional rollercoasters, the journey is far more complex than it may seem.
Here are 30 things no one tells you about pregnancy and childbirth that every expecting parent should know.
- The second trimester will be spent feeling sexy and horny most of the time. Your sex drive will be at a high, and your lady parts will not look the same until after the pregnancy is over. With sex ruling your mind this time, you should know what is safe and what is not, and read this before you decide to use a vibrator for pleasing yourself
- You might be puking and throwing up here and there and need to carry a bag everywhere. It could be sight, smell or taste that may bother you, and imagine telling other people you do not like the sight of their fod! Now, it is also possible that you may not experience morning sickness at all, or have it for the entire pregnancy
- Sleep will ditch you. And continue playing hide-and-seek till a few years down the line. You will miss it fiercely, but will not be able to do anything about it. You will also be tired, but a shut eye, a peaceful shut eye, will be a distant dream!
- You are actually pregnant for 40 weeks for a full term baby. Now do the maths and figure if it is 9 months or more?
- You will cry like crazy during the stretch, thanks to the hormonal play that will make you have mood swings. No one in the world, including you will know what may just make those tears flow like waterfalls
- You will notice your hair getting really thick during pregnancy, and might as feel that something good is actually coming up with all this. The locks will be thick, beautiful, silky and longer. Gear up for the shutterbugs now!
- Then hair will fall in lumps 3-6 months postpartum. You will feel you are going to need a wig soon after. Spare a thought there!
- Your feet are likely to get bigger during pregnancy and may even stay somewhat bigger after you deliver. Yes, you will be shopping for new shoes and wondering whatever happened to your feet!
- Baby kicks will make you feel awesome, but may also be painful. But then no one said that there is gain without pain, right?
- When you are pregnant, you will find many, many women walking with the baby bump. And every non-pregnant woman will touch your belly as a legal, national right
- You will have some really crazy pregnancy dreams. Just try to pen them down and laugh on them later!
- Your breasts will just not be the same. First they will get HUGER, and then ITCHIER, and nipples may just change in color, shape and size. You may just not like to see them anymore in the mirror!
- Sneezing or coughing in the last trimester could make you pee and wet your pants. So will laughing hard. So do your Kegels regularly if you want to control some of it!
- You may have a lot of food cravings, which could be healthy as well. Or you may just not have a major craving spree at all
- No, it is not wise to eat everything that you feel like eating. Because, unlike what you keep on hearing, it is NOT EASY to lose all that extra pregnancy weight afterwards. Losing baby weight after delivery will be your first priority, yet sit in the last seat
- If everything goes right, there is always a good chance that you will have a smooth and easy labor and a very much possible normal delivery Many women go through labor like a cakewalk!
- Yes, once you see the placenta, you will be ‘ewwed’. It is huge, and looks like a transparent jellyfish
- You may poop on the delivery table, thanks to too much pushing. However, if you have attended your antenatal classes carefully, you may not really pass the crap right there!
- If you do get shitty, you will be least embarrassed about it. Even if your husband sees it. You are already least concerned about being naked, right?
- A natural, drug free birth can make you walk right after the baby is out. Though you will be bleeding, you will be so relieved that there is no more pushing, no ne trying to come out of you
- Postpartum bleeding can last upto 6 weeks
- Hemorrhoids are going to be awfully painful, and they are likely to stay
- Sex will not be the same again. And it will hurt as well. You may need some good time, and some good help
- Everyone will have an opinion on how you should raise your baby. And debating on breast feeding and formula feeding will make people sound really ugly. You will be googling all this information and yet be in doubts, so relax and trust your intuitions- a mother is rarely wrong when it comes to her baby
- Naming the baby will be tougher than you thought. There will be arguments, fights and some illogical reasoning
- Breastfeeding will be painful, your nipples may be sore and have blisters, your milk may be too much or too little and a dozen other things. But when done right, it will give you unprecedented joy and happiness
- Even when you listen to other babies crying, your breasts will likely leak. Wear nursing pads when you are out
- Your first postpartum period will make you feel you are 13 again – the pain, the cramps and the bleeding would take you years back
- Your friends will change, your talks will comprise of terms like ‘baby food’ and ‘baby poop’. You will hate everyone who says they are running short of time when they do not have a baby, and you will ask each other daily whether the baby has pooped, what color was it, how much was it/ Gross eh??!!
- You will miss your pregnant belly after the delivery. In your subconscious, you may just be touching your belly again and again, like you did when you were pregnant
Well, in the end, it’s all worth it! Ain’t it? Share your experiences with us in the comments below.