During pregnancy, it is important that women take utmost care of their health and diet. While most women concentrate on their eating habits they tend to ignore what they drink. It is important to have healthy drinks during pregnancy.
It is a known fact that alcohol must be strictly avoided, but there are also certain other drinks pregnant women must steer clear of as much as possible. Examples are aerated drinks and caffeinated drinks since they could be harmful to the baby.
10 Healthy And Refreshing Drinks During Pregnancy
So how do you satiate your cravings for chilled, tasty drinks during your pregnancy when you stay away from aerated and caffeinated drinks and alcohol? Here, we list 10 healthy drinks that you can gulp down without worrying about your’s and your baby’s health.
1. Water
As clichéd as it may sound plenty of water is the best gift you can give yourself and to your baby. As a general rule, it is recommended that you drink 2 liters of water (that comes up to 7-8 glasses) per day. Make sure when you are pregnant, you follow this rule religiously. Water keeps you and the baby hydrated, dehydration can cause premature labor. It cleanses your system and keeps your calories in check and energizes your muscles. Water is also a great bet against constipation, which is common during pregnancy.
2. Lemonade/ Nimbu Paani
Lemonade is the quickest way to refresh yourself and load up on some Vitamin C. The main content of lemonade is water, which is beneficial in every way and the other component is Lime which is enriched with Vitamin C. A tall glass of Lemonade every day will help you tremendously with your morning sickness. You can jazz your “nimbu paani” up with some ginger, mint leaves, a dash of salt, sugar, and some chat masala. Alter it to suit your taste and enjoy every bit of it.
3. Coconut Water
Coconut water is a natural isotonic drink, which means it contains similar concentrations of sugar and salt as present in the human body. It is the perfect drink for when you sweat because it will replenish the natural salts lost by your body. It will help with the fluctuation of the blood pressure, especially in the third trimester and is also loaded with minerals.
4. Buttermilk
Buttermilk or chaas is the perfect drink as it has many beneficial properties. This drink will cool down your system after a spicy meal and help with digestion. It will rid you of dehydration and wash down your fats. Butter milk is a rich source of calcium and vitamins like Vitamin B Complex. It will provide instant relief from acidity and also reduce high blood pressure.
5. Fresh Fruit Juices
The healthiest drink to have while pregnant is fresh fruit juices. Fruit juices will not only keep you hydrated but also provide plenty of nutrition. Every fruit has its unique properties and nutrients and you get a vast variety to choose from as well. Avoid the packaged juices and opt for freshly squeezed juices which are way healthier. Also, make sure you don’t load up the juice with too much sugar and ice.
6. Vegetable Juices
Needless to say, vegetables are packed with nutrition. During pregnancy, women need to have a balanced and healthy diet and vegetable juices are great substitutes for when you don’t feel like eating much. A glass of vegetable juice will provide you and your baby with ample nourishment and keep you hydrated and energized.
7. Milk and Lassi
As we all know, milk is a rich source of calcium. Milk has Vitamin D which helps the body to absorb calcium. Calcium is essential for the baby’s bone development. Drinking milk also improves vitamin intake. It is full of goodness and will ensure your and your baby’s good health.
Lassi is a traditional yogurt-based drink. This refreshing drink contains calcium, potassium, and folic acid. It replaces the healthy bacteria in the body and helps with digestion. Lassi can also cure constipation during pregnancy. It is not only filling, but also extremely beneficial to the expecting mother and the baby.
8. Smoothies and Milkshakes
Smoothies are a great way to combine the goodness of milk and the nutrition of a fruit. A smoothie can be a filling and healthy daytime snack. You can pick the fruit of your choice and make a smoothie in a few minutes. For women that don’t like drinking milk as it is, a smoothie is a perfect option, and it tastes yummy too.
9. Iced Tea
Iced Tea will replenish your thirst and keep you energized. It is a great cure for morning sickness, but you need to be careful with this drink since it contains a small amount of caffeine. So, make sure you don’t go overboard; as long as you practice moderation you will be fine.
10. Jaljeera Drink
A Jaljeera drink is a quick fix for dehydration. It reduces excess body heat, especially during summer, and calms the system. It clears the toxins from the system and helps with indigestion. Jaljeera is not only nourishing but also yummy and will refresh you instantly.
So even when cocktails are off the list now that you are pregnant, there are enough healthy choices to keep you satiated and hydrated. Tasty and refreshing all the more!
Read Also: Top 10 Easy To Make Detox Drinks