Browsing: Positive Parenting

Hello Mom! Explore the ways of growing your family, bringing up a good human. Everything you need know from 3 years to 18 years of your child!

Many modern parents begin to worry if their child is slow at learning. To start with, parents and teachers need to refrain from negative comments such…

TV has its own benefits but when put to use properly. Your child can learn and discover a number of things pertaining to education, lifestyle and…

Research suggests that kids are more likely to develop an empathetic attitude if their own emotional needs are met at home. Being human, it is our…

Do you feel sad seeing your child struggling with his homework?? We all do. But our responsibility does not end there. Feeling sad for the child…

In most Indian homes, early mornings and evenings follow a daily ritual – of prayer. Being diverse, we have people of many faiths, and many of…

Dyslexia is defined as “a disorder in children who, despite conventional classroom experience, fail to attain the language skills of reading, writing, and spelling commensurate with…

Shyness, what is it? Is it shyness when a child is silent, reserved, clings to one’s parent on seeing strangers? Shyness is a personality trait not…

‘I want my child to be confident. Do I need to do something different in order to build confidence in my child?’ This is one question…

Honesty is the best policy!! This phrase is taught to all of us from our kindergarten age and we learn it by heart by the time…