During the course of pregnancy, a mother keeps dreaming of the time when she will hold the little and adorable angel in her hands. Amidst that,…
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Pneumonia is a serious disease that can be life-threatening. Pneumonia can be potentially fatal if not diagnosed and treated on time irrespective of developments that have…
Broccoli during pregnancy is indeed a superfood. Its benefits are not confined to nutrition, where it scores very high. Thanks to its high vitamin, mineral, and…
In the amazing world of babies growing inside moms, there’s something called Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR). It’s like having a little superhero or Superwoman baby who…
Is it ok to keep up with regular exercise and daily physical activities during pregnancy? And more importantly, is climbing stairs during pregnancy safe? Well, a…
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful times of a woman’s life. This is the time when a woman tries to take utmost care of herself…
You had a blissful pregnancy if you had not experienced morning sickness, but that percentage of women is comparatively less than those who experienced it. Even…
Pregnancy is a beautiful phase every pregnant woman would want to experience Women will mostly suffer from skin breakouts when they are pregnant, especially because of…
Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in a woman’s life, but for some, it brings in lots of unpleasant symptoms that might make the early months difficult.…
Pregnancy is a phase where you must focus on eating healthy and scouring the best nutrient sources that guarantee a healthy pregnancy. Tuna is a rich…
Swelling or puffiness of fingers and hands is often seen during pregnancy. You can easily make out the extent of swelling with the help of your…
Once you have confirmed the good news of your pregnancy, you will be showered with lots of suggestions, advice, and tips from your elders, experienced peers…
To be or not to be, that is the question”. Women can relate to Macbeth’s dilemma when they have to choose between vaginal or Cesarean delivery.…
What are postpartum must-haves?Diapers? Check. Onesies? Check. Car seat? Check. Things to help you take care of your postpartum body? Umm… The birth of a baby…
Pregnancy is beautiful but it can be very stressful at the same time. Various reasons causing stress during pregnancy are :- Discomforts of pregnancy: – Dealing…