Pregnant women often experience cravings, but it’s crucial to pay attention to what you eat and in what quantities. Your restriction on caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol is a must, but when it comes to herbal teas during pregnancy, you need to understand the side effects and safety.
Sometimes drinking too much herbal tea can be harmful, although it’s normally safe. Seek your doctor’s advice before continuing to drink herbal tea in the pregnancy phase, if you are accustomed to drinking any. Many studies have quoted pregnancy-related side effects of certain herbal teas. Remember, the health and well-being of you and your developing fetus are top priorities during the pregnancy phase. So, be very watchful before starting herbal tea while pregnant, and get individualized guidance from your healthcare professional.
What Is A Herbal Tea?
Herbal teas are typically made by steeping fruits, flower petals, stems, or roots of various herbs, shrubs, or spices in hot water. They don’t contain leaves like regular tea and do not contain caffeine.
They come in a range of flavors and health advantages that may be drunk either hot or cold. contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Herbal teas made with chamomile, ginger, peppermint, jasmine, sage, thyme, anise, fenugreek, green tea, or hibiscus are among the most often consumed (1).
Herbal teas are a refreshing and natural way to stay hydrated throughout pregnancy, whether you want to relax or just enjoy a tasty beverage. Though herbal teas do have healing properties and can be good sources of calcium, magnesium, and iron, there is a lack of scientific evidence that they are safe, and hence, ingestion should be cautious (2).
Are Herbal Teas Safe In Pregnancy?
Though herbal tea is considered safe for consumption, it is always better to take it in moderation, especially when you are expecting it. Research on the subject indicates herbal teas are safe in pregnancy, and they are better than drinking caffeine-loaded beverages.
According to research findings, regular consumption of certain herbal teas in higher doses can induce contractions, which could result in early labor. Few other herbal teas have the potential to interfere with medicine or alter hormone levels while pregnant. These compounds may have adverse effects on the developing fetus and the mother.
What Are the Potential Benefits of Drinking Herbal Tea During Pregnancy?
Even though herbal teas have many health advantages, it’s crucial to let your doctor know before drinking it while pregnant. The following herbal teas have the potential to be beneficial:
- Ginger tea can help alleviate pregnancy-induced nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness, some common discomforts of pregnancy (3).
- Chamomile tea possesses calming properties, which can aid in relaxation and may reduce anxiety during pregnancy.
- Fennel tea has the potential to improve digestion and relieve bloating, a common issue of the pregnancy phase (4).
- Peppermint tea is believed to relieve flatulence, emesis, and morning sickness in pregnancy.
- Pregnant women often drink raspberry tea in the third trimester to prepare for labor.
Nonetheless, exercise caution when purchasing herbal tea. Pick premium and organic varieties. Also, refrain from consuming excessive amounts of herbal tea when pregnant. Too much herbal tea consumption can be harmful during pregnancy.
Which Herbal Teas Are Not Safe During Pregnancy?
Many pregnant mothers are concerned about herbal tea’s safety. There are a few exceptions to the general rule that herbal teas are safe to drink in moderation.
Pregnant women should refrain from consuming excessive amounts of :
- Hibiscus
- Stinging nettle leaf
- Ginger
- Parsley
- Sage
- Raspberry leaf-based herbal tea
Which Herbal Teas Are Safe In Pregnancy?
Various herbal teas are generally considered safe during pregnancy, others may pose risks. Don’t forget to consult with a healthcare professional before consuming any herbal tea during pregnancy.
Here are some factors to consider:
- If you are known to have allergies or sensitivities to certain herbs, it’s better to avoid herbal teas during pregnancy.
- Pharmacological compounds of herbal teas can interact with medications, potentially affecting their effectiveness, so don’t indulge too much in herbal teas while pregnant.
- Some herbs may have stimulating or sedative effects, or they might contain compounds that can harm the developing fetus (5).
Numerous herbal teas are available in the market, which are safe to drink. However, ensure you avoid unfamiliar ingredients. We regularly use ginger tea in our daily lives. It helps alleviate morning sickness and supports digestion and stomach issues. However, ginger is considered a heat-producing herb and should be consumed in moderation.
Herbal teas are better than caffeine, but don’t go overboard with herbal tea, especially when pregnant. Except for sage and parsley, which cause miscarriage, and ginger to some extent, as it may have adverse effects on the baby’s sex hormones, the rest are safe when consumed in limited quantities. Rosemary tea is also known to induce labor and hence is preferred only during the end of pregnancy (6).
Side Effects of Herbal Tea During Pregnancy
Many recent studies have discovered that excessive consumption of some herbal teas may have potential side effects, including increased risk of
- Bleeding or spotting
- Miscarriage
- Early contractions
- Premature labor and
- Liver damage
How To Prepare Herbal Teas During Pregnancy To Ensure They Are Safe?
Follow these precautions to safely reap the advantages of herbal teas during pregnancy:
- Before starting any herbal tea, consult your doctor to determine the safest RDA.
- Buy premium quality organic herbal teas from reliable suppliers to reduce the possibility of any contamination.
- Read the instructions to know about brewing temperature and duration and to extract the relevant components while avoiding bitterness.
- Don’t drink too many herbal teas at a time, it’s crucial to drink them sparingly. Consuming too much could have unforeseen effects during pregnancy.
- Certain herbal compounds might interfere with nutrients, prescription drugs, or other dietary supplements. Inform your healthcare provider about any herbal teas you plan to consume.
What Is The Recommended Serving Size For Herbal Teas During Pregnancy?

A cup or two of herbal tea is the best bet during pregnancy (7). If you are not used to drinking herbal drinks before pregnancy, don’t force yourself to start it now.
When Should I Consult My Healthcare Provider About Herbal Teas?
Here’s when you should consult your healthcare provider about herbal teas:
- Before starting any particular herbal tea, know the doses.
- After: You should share your herbal tea drinking experience, both good and bad, with your Dr to keep him informed.
- Never overdo the prescribed quantity of any herbal teas during pregnancy.
Ever since research has proved that herbal tea is good for your overall well-being, there has been a lot of awareness for herbal teas (8). But also consider the side effects of drinking herbal tea. No doubt, these teas are full of medicinal benefits, only if taken in moderation.
Drink whatever suits your body. Listen to your body and always consult with your gynecologist about any product you are not sure about. Please make sure you read the label and do your research before consuming any herbal tea.
1. Are There Any Herbal Teas That Can Help With Morning Sickness?
Ginger and peppermint-based herbal teas can help with morning sickness during pregnancy. It’s not advisable to take larger quantities of these herbal teas regularly to avoid unfavorable medical conditions.
2. How Often Can I Safely Drink Herbal Tea While Pregnant?
Drinking 1-2 cups of herbal tea is considered safe while pregnant. You can take it as a morning or mid-afternoon beverage to boost your mood.
3. Are There Any Herbal Teas Known To Help With Labor Preparation?
According to some scientific studies, raspberry leaf herbal tea may assist in preparing for labor. However, it is essential to have strict medical supervision when starting raspberry leaf herbal tea.
4. Is It Safe to Drink Herbal Teas With Added Ingredients Like Honey or Lemon?
Honey or lemon can be safely added to herbal teas in moderation. Avoid excessive amounts of honey or lemon to enjoy their benefits.
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