It’s a known fact that exercising during pregnancy can do wonders for you. Not only does it help you to battle with mood swings, but it…
Author: Editorial Team
What Does Swaddling/Wrapping A Baby Mean? Have you heard of this ancient method where a new-born is snuggled by wrapping up in a soft muslin cloth?…
Traveling with a toddler can be extremely challenging at times. Apart from dealing with all the hectic travel plans, parents have to take care of their…
A mother has the hardest job in the world: to take care of a new life inside her till it arrives into this wonderful world and…
Across the globe, every mother who has a toddler is facing a dominant anxiety about the diet given to their kid. According to the 2012 study,…
If your baby has completed six months, then it’s time to introduce your baby to solid food in addition to breastfeeding and build your baby’s taste…
Labor is a natural process, there is no way anyone could tell you when you’d be going into labor! However, some symptoms indicate the baby’s arrival.…
Pregnancy – a beautiful phase in a woman’s life. It is a very fulfilling and satisfying feeling to have a life growing inside you. But along…
The pregnancy period can be divided into three parts; the first trimester, the second trimester and the third trimester. Trimester as you can judge from its…
Before explaining “Will Labor Start Immediately After Losing Mucus Plug”, let’s first understand what a mucus plug is? Towards the end of the first month of…
Bringing a baby into the world is the biggest bliss and the most amazing mystery. It is not as simple and smooth as it seems. Not…
There is nothing worse than seeing a crying baby who doesn’t seem to stop. To top it all, if it’s not for hunger, sleep or diaper…
Having a child entails a lot of responsibilities. Parents are also concerned about the necessity of traveling in between. But if the trip is carefully planned,…
Mood Swings: Mood swings, also referred to mood fluctuations is defined as an evident change in a person’s attitude or emotional state or expression. It is…
There has always been confusion between Kindergarten and Montessori styles of learning. Parents are always in a dilemma while choosing between the two. And why shouldn’t…