Toddlers love to explore, touch or get close to things they are not supposed to. Insects and small creatures interest a toddler a lot. You are…
Author: Dr. Chetan Ginigeri
A dog is a man’s best friend, they say. Those furry little creatures can make your day go from gloomy to happy in no time. They…
It is common for infants to keep exploring when they start moving. This is the time when the parents must ensure proper safety of the little…
Children often run around and keep playing. Such physical activities help them stay sharp, alert and active. As a parent, caging your child in the name…
COVID-19 has taken a substantial toll on the mental health of people. From children to adolescents, there have been considerable repercussions in terms of mental health…
A first aid kit is a vital mini-medical store. It can rescue a person from some unforeseen medical conditions. Having a first aid kit is mandatory…
Mosquitoes and other insects breed on the compiled dirt and stagnant waters around us. They can invade and bring infections at any time of the day.…
Fire is the most useful thing in our lives if used properly. A single blunder can make it become the most dangerous thing that can claim…
Sports are the best and most recommended way to be active, both for kids and teens. Kids should always spend some good time in sports. Active…
Be it work or just some casual music, we all would like to listen to it with as little disturbance as possible. The headphones can be…
A pet makes life beautiful, so does a baby. Both love us unconditionally, depend on us for everything, and follow our ways and means. So, can…
COVID-19 outbreak is now a global concern. As we all know, it started from a seafood and meat market in Wuhan, China, in December. Even though…
This current outbreak of COVID-19 has long since attained the level of a global pandemic and has been declared as such. COVID-19 affected 210 countries and territories around…
Since the coronavirus pandemic began, You might have probably heard the term “herd immunity.” It is suggested that developing herd immunity might be a good way…
Even though mankind is facing the trait of Coronavirus causing COVID 19 (novel coronavirus) for the first time, there are other traits of coronaviruses that we…