With all the junk and calories we carelessly partake, it becomes essential to detoxify our system from time to time. Just like we cleanse our body regularly from the outside, cleaning it from the inside is important as well. Cleaning internally implies detoxification of the organs, especially the liver.
Luckily, there are certain food items that help you to cleanse and detoxify the internal system thoroughly. Webring you 10 super foods that will help you to get rid of toxins, fat and free radicals effectively.
Top 12 Foods That Help Detox And Cleanse Your Body
Cabbage is very effective to cleanse and detoxify the liver. It contains essential compounds like sulfur and glucosinolates. These compounds not only help to cleanse the system thoroughly but they also prevent accumulation of cancerous cells by killing carcinogens in the body. A bowl of cabbage soup or a sizeable portion of cabbage salad or subzi is extremely healthy since it is packed with Vitamin K and Vitamin C. Another way that cabbage helps to detoxify is that it acts as a laxative and rids your body of toxins intensively.
This super food boosts the production of bile in the liver, and thus helps in breaking down food so as to enable the body to sue them to its best. The super food is also filled with fiber, protein, magnesium, folate, and potassium. Adding artichokes to your diet will help your detox diet a great deal.
Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables like spinach, bok choy and even broccoli contain chlorophyll with works effectively to detoxify the body. Watercress and Mustard green are excellent when it comes to detoxifying. Chicory is a natural laxative which helps with the cleaning of the bowls. Lettuce also helps to flush away all the toxins from the body.
Lemon Water
Water itself acts as the most effective detoxifying agent. When you add lemon juice to water it becomes all the more powerful. Lemons are enriched with antioxidants which help the liver to flush out toxins and radicals. One of the best ways to start a detoxifying diet is to drink warm water first thing in the morning with lemon juice. It will cleanse and alkalize the body and kick start the digestive system.
Citrus fruits
Fresh fruits especially citrus fruits work well as detoxifying agents. The acid in citrusy fruits like oranges, tangerines etc makes them very effective as a detoxifying fruits. Just make sure you don’t go overboard with citrusy fruits especially when you are ill since they can give you cold and sore throat.
The must in Indian cooking, turmeric or haldi is an excellent agent to cleanse your liver. Turmeric is one of the most potent foods that help to detoxify the body. Turmeric is rich source of antioxidants which help to flush out free radicals and harmful toxins. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties. A tablespoon of turmeric mixed with a glass of milk when consumed everyday can help to keep the system clean and healthy. Try switching your regular beverages with turmeric tea, and you can probably detox within a week, provided you are also eating healthy.
Beet Root
Beet Root is also rich in antioxidants. It is known to flush out toxins and bile from the bladder and the liver. Beet root is effective when you are dieting since it is low in calories and is rich in minerals like folate, betaine and iron. Beet root can be consumed in salad or juice form. You can also boil beet root with some salt and consume it when it’s cold.
Ginger and Garlic
Garlic has a high sulfur content which helps to successfully detoxify the body. It also boosts the immune system and tones the skin. 3-4 cloves of garlic per day are sufficient to help the body to detoxify naturally. Ginger helps the body to get rid of fats and toxins. A little bit of ginger when consumed with warm water, immediately and effectively cleans the system from within.
Almonds are rich source of fiber, protein and vitamin E. They also contain minerals like potassium, phosphorous, calcium and folate. When taken regularly almonds can help greatly with detoxification.
Green Tea
Consuming green tea is one of the easiest ways to detoxify on a regular basis. It has a high content of catechin which helps the liver to function efficiently. It produces enzymes that speed up the detoxification process. Green tea also prevents cancer, maintains cholesterol levels and even prevents heart diseases.
Apples are highly nutritious and have a high content of Pectin which flushes away toxic waste and cleans the intestines. Apples also contain glucaric acid which helps to get rid of chemicals and helps to digest heavy meals.
Organic avocados without additions would be great as detoxifying agents owing to their high fiber and antioxidant content. If the next thing that pops is fats, give it a rest. Avocado is loaded with fat, but the good ones and they are one healthy addition to your detox diet.
These super foods will help you to detoxify your system but detoxification only works when you are persistent with your diet and exercise regularly. Exercise is a crucial part of the detoxification regime. It helps you to flush out the toxins in the form of sweat. Another important thing to bear in mind before you start a detox diet is to drink a lot of fluids, especially water, since it has zero calories and is equipped with antioxidants.
What Foods To Avoid When I Am On A Detox Diet?
When you are trying to cleanse your system, you must refrain from consuming the below:
The toxic levels of alcohol are so high that it will negate all your hard work done in cleansing. Alcohol taxes the liver and the whole body functions go for a toss. Stay away from it atleast during the time you are trying to detox.
Again, sugar is a complex carbohydrate, and it’s digestion stresses the liver. Steer yourself clear from sweet cravings, and you will notice that the more days pass when you are detoxifying, the lesser the cravings become.
Caffeine forms an integral part of our routines, however, caffeinated beverages have a dehydrating effect on our bodies thus making liver work overtime. Avoid them when you are trying to detox.
When we overeat, our digestive system takes longer to digest and works sluggishly. Sluggishness can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body for a longer time. Thus, when detoxing, have smaller but frequent portions.
Plan your detox diet in such a way that you focus on all the good and eliminate all the bad foods. Consider those foods that are easily accessible and appeal to you.