Babies younger than one year of age should stay away from sugar and salt. Pediatricians recommend this to help avoid health issues in babies and also minimize addiction later in life. However, there are times when you will need to sweeten your baby’s dishes as an occasional treat. Date syrup for babies is an excellent natural sweetener that has health benefits for babies.
Date syrup is a vital source of many nutrients but still must be used in moderation. This has two purposes- babies can get addicted to sweet tastes quickly and you must expose them to sweets as minimally as possible at least till they turn a year old. Also, date syrup can lead to quick weight gain. You can give date syrup to your baby but you must be careful about how much of it you feed to your baby.
What is Date Syrup?
Date syrup is the most convenient and effective all-natural sweetener for infants. Date syrup is easy to make at home and may be used to organically sweeten dishes for your infant and its flavor is close to maple syrup.
This date syrup is a great alternative to refined sugar for those trying to cut down on their sugar intake. This simple recipe only takes 30 minutes to make. The process includes heating some water, soaking the dates in it for some time, and blending for a minute till you achieve a syrup-like consistency. Date syrup may be made from whole dates in a matter of minutes.
When to Introduce Date Syrup to Babies?
Date syrup acts as a natural sweetener and a sugar substitute. Most parents might find it comfortable introducing date syrup to their baby’s diet at around one year of age. But you can also introduce this once your baby reaches 7 or 8 months of age or a couple of months after introducing solids.
Date syrup is choc-a-bloc with many nutrients for growing babies and babies love the taste too. If your baby is underweight and you are looking for ways to improve it, you can introduce date syrup after consulting the pediatrician.
[Read : Does Adding Sugar To Baby’s Food Help Digest Better?]
Amazing Top 8 Benefits of Using Date Syrup For Babies
Date syrup is a healthy alternative to added sugar in formula and other baby foods. Date syrup has the following advantages for infants:
1. Helps Combat Intestinal Disturbances
Date syrup may be used as a treatment for stomach and bowel issues. They protect the digestive tract against parasite invaders and aid in the development of beneficial bacterial communities such as probiotics.
2. Protects the Liver
Babies are especially vulnerable to liver bacterial and viral diseases. Date syrup has been shown to protect the liver, so including them in your infant’s diet is a good idea.
3. Promotes Healthier Teeth
Giving your baby a ripe date’s syrup may help them build stronger teeth. Dates are great for the teeth and gums.
4. Helps With Constipation and Promotes Digestion
Date syrup is high in fiber which promotes digestion in babies and also can help relieve the frequent condition of infant constipation. The high fiber content promotes regular bowel motions by increasing stool volume.
[Read : Constipation In Babies]
5. Enhances Eyesight
Your baby’s eyesight will improve because of the high vitamin A concentration in ripe dates.
6. Improves Immunity in Babies
Date syrup is a great way to boost your baby’s immune system because of the antioxidants and free radicals they contain, which help fight illnesses.
7. Boost Hemoglobin Levels
Dates’ high iron content helps your baby’s red blood cell count rise, which prevents anemia and promotes healthy development.
8. Helps in Weight Gain
Dates syrup helps in weight gain in babies. But be mindful of the quantity you feed your baby. Excess consumption can result in unnecessary weight gain and obesity
How Can Date Syrup Be Used?
Dates syrup is a healthy way of adding sweetness to your baby’s meal. But remember, your baby must not have it in moderation and very occasionally. You can use it as a sweetening agent when needed..
- You can add dates syrup to your baby’s porridge, kheer, and other breakfast dishes.
- It can be an excellent dip or spread for bread, roti, dosas, and pancakes.
- Date syrup is a healthy alternative to sugar and may be used in place of it when baking delicious treats for your little one.
- You can even add dates syrup to fruit smoothies and juices that you may offer to your baby.
[Read : Giving Fruit Juice For Babies]
<h2″>Are There Any Side Effects of Giving Date Syrup For Babies?
Date syrup is often regarded as a relatively healthy sweetener. It is derived from the date fruit and contains all the vitamins and minerals found in dates. Therefore, ingesting date syrup does not usually cause side effects. However, you must watch out for any adverse side effects such as irritation, itching, hives, redness on the skin, stomach issues, and digestion issues in your baby, especially after giving this for the first time. If these side effects appear, immediately stop giving the syrup and consult your pediatrician.
Always give date syrup in moderation to your little one. Excess consumption can result in undue weight gain.
Date syrup for babies is a healthy and delicious alternative to sugar that may be used to sweeten meals. It’s versatile in the kitchen, adding flavor and nutrition to a wide range of dishes. This product is readily available at grocery shops, but homemade date syrups are always a safer option.
1. Can I Add Dates Syrup to Milk For Babies?
You may add date syrup to your baby’s formula milk but remember to do it only when needed. Regular consumption of date syrup is not good for babies. They will get addicted to the sweet taste and also may gain unhealthy weight.
2. Can You Give Date Syrup to Babies Daily?
Do not give date syrup every day to your baby. Though it may contain positive health qualities, it will also lead to your baby piling on pounds and developing an addiction to the sweet flavor. Date syrup must be used occasionally and in moderation.
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