Pregnancy is an exciting time for any expecting woman. Several changes will take place within the body of the mother-to-be over the course of pregnancy. Sometimes even weird symptoms can appear during this time. Ears popping during pregnancy is one such weird symptom.
While quite normal when pregnant, ears popping can also be a symptom of some underlying condition. This article explains in detail, ear-popping, how and why it happens, and the different treatment methods.
What are Ears Popping?
Ears popping refers to muffled or crackling sounds, sometimes with pain, inside the ear. It is a pressure-related ear pain, which is also known as Ear barotrauma. The reason can be as simple as an excess formation of earwax or more significant as Eustachian tube dysfunction.
Normally this condition does not bring about any complications. But, frequent ear popping can cause damage to the ear. Or, it can be an indication of some underlying issues that need medical attention.
How Does Ears Popping Happen?
Normally, the air pressure inside and outside of the ear is the same. The Eustachian tube is a small ear canal that joins the middle ear to the posterior part of the nose and the upper throat. Its role is to balance the air pressure in the middle ear with the pressure outside it.
However, many reasons can block the Eustachian tube. When this happens, the Eustachian tube will be unable to equalize the air pressure. This difference between the air pressure inside and outside the middle ear causes ear popping.
Causes of Ears Popping During Pregnancy
There are several reasons that can bring about ear popping during pregnancy.
- Change in altitude can trigger ear popping. If you are traveling to higher altitudes, ear-popping can kick in.
- Nasal congestion due to allergies, which a lot of pregnant women are prone to, can trigger ear popping.
- A sinus infection can cause ear popping.
- Cold or upper respiratory infections can trigger ear popping during pregnancy.
- Any defect in the Eustachian tube can cause ear popping during pregnancy.
[Read: Upper Respiratory Tract Infections During Pregnancy]
Symptoms of Ears Popping During Pregnancy
In addition to the uncomfortable feeling of popping sound inside the ear, ears popping during pregnancy can also cause:
- A feeling of clogging inside the ear.
- Discomfort and pain in the ear.
- Symptoms that cannot be eased by gulping, yawning, or chewing.
- Vertigo, a medical condition when an individual feels the surrounding objects are moving, swaying, or spinning.
- Difficulty hearing.
- Moderate to severe hearing loss.
- Bleeding from the nose.
Treating and Managing Ears Popping During Pregnancy
Ear popping during pregnancy is, to a greater degree, an irritation rather than a reason to worry. Stay away from using any over-the-counter (OTC) drugs or poking the ears with a sharp object. Poking ears can damage the eardrum and bring about permanent hearing loss.
Managing Earspopping
Certain measures can help to ease the feeling of clogging, discomfort, or pain. For example,
- Swallowing, yawning, or chewing gum can help to reduce the pressure inside the ear.
- Inhale, and then slowly exhale while holding the nostrils closed and the mouth shut. This will help to alleviate some pressure.
- Drink water while you pinch your nose. Swallowing action will help open the Eustachian tubes if that is the cause of ears popping.
- If the ear-popping is due to excessive earwax formation, the doctor will suggest an ear wash for clearing out the wax.
Treating Ears Popping
If the symptoms do not go away even after trying the above measures, or if they aggravate as time goes by, consult your doctor immediately. The doctor usually suggests:
- Oral antihistamines if allergies are present.
- Nasal steroids to get rid of nasal blockage and nasal inflammation. This will help the Eustachian tube to open, thereby relieving pressure.
- Pain medications that are safe during pregnancy.
- Using a heating pad and pressing it over the ears helps to ease the pain and discomfort.
- Nasal or oral decongestants.
- Inhaling steam will help to relieve the ear-popping if it occurs due to a sinus infection.
In rare cases, a myringotomy may be required. Myringotomy is a surgical method, in which a tiny incision is made in the eardrum to relieve pressure if excessive fluid or pus is formed. The incision will allow the pressure to equalize by draining excessive pus and fluid from the middle ear.
Home Remedies for Popping Ears Due to Infection
Try blowing balloons. This is very effective in getting rid of ears popping. Here are some other simple tried and tested home remedies that can provide you relief from ears popping due to any kind of infection. They are safe enough to use during the pregnancy period.
1. Water Gargling
If an ear infection is the cause of ears popping, then gargling with warm water can provide you some relief. Take a glass of warm water and add a pinch of salt to it. Gargle with this water a few times a day to get some relief from any blockage.
2. Steam Inhalation
Inhaling steam also helps to get rid of clogged ears due to cold, which can cause ears to pop. The steam helps to loosen the mucous and any ear wax and provides you relief. You can also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
3. Olive Oil with Garlic
We have seen our mothers and grandmothers use this remedy on us while we were young and suffering from any discomfort in the ears. This age-old remedy can provide you relief from ears popping too, as garlic is a natural antiseptic.
All you need to do is heat a spoon of olive oil. Add 2-3 cloves of peeled garlic to it. Bring this oil to room temperature and apply it to the ear with the help of a cotton pad.
A lot of pregnant women define the feeling of ears popping as a sensation that you get when you get bubbles from the bath in your ears and hear them “popping”. Did you have any such experience during your pregnancy? What did you do you treat it? Do share your experience in the comments section below.
1. Is it Common for Ears to Pop During Pregnancy?
Yes, it is. Many women are unaware of this. It could be unrelated to pregnancy too.
2. Why do Ears Pop During Pregnancy?
When there is a difference in air pressure inside and outside the ears, ears pop. An ear or nasal infection can cause this. Such infections are common during pregnancy.
3. Will my Ears Stop Popping After Pregnancy?
It may. Home remedies can help. However, if is constant, you need to see a doctor immediately.
4. Can I take medications or treatment for my ear popping during pregnancy?
Try home remedies. If it doesn’t work, you might need treatment. If left unattended, it can lead to hearing loss.