Browsing: Have a Toddler?

Hello Mom! Presenting you the hack-book of 2nd & 3rd years of the baby. Get insight into behavior, activities, milestones, sleep, nutrition, and more..

If you think all babies are alike then you need to think again because it is scientifically proven that girls and boys are different from each…

Boys are different from girls in all aspects. It does not mean that a boy is in any way better or worse than a girl but…

In addition to providing unconditional love and care, you must also make sure that there is no lapse in attention when it comes to your child’s…

It is very normal for any toddler to be anxious, scared, clingy or withdrawn as they explore the world around them. As parents, you must have…

Facing bedtime struggles?? Ha, as a matter of fact, children like to sleep less than the adults, and parents keep on wondering what’s wrong! Bedtime struggles…

Mothers these days have some common problems to share regarding their children. Children being choosy; not wanting to eat their meals; acting stubborn or misbehaving in…

Toddlerhood is the time for unleashing new modes of independence. Their exploration of new experiences and achievements of new milestones boost their self-confidence. Potty training is…