Do you hate ‘that’ time of the month? And absolutely dread the cramps that it brings along? Well, you are not the only one. In fact, period pain is one thing that unifies the entire womanhood in the world, irrespective of their caste, creed, and nationality. The story of those four days remains the same throughout the globe.
Well, the good news is that this pain can be easily reduced with the correct measures. And these effective measures will be discussed throughout this article. But before that, wouldn’t you like to know exactly what this period of pain is and how it occurs?
Period Pain: Meaning And Causes
This is no new information to women that period pain returns every 28 days. And this pain brings along the feeling of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, and diarrhea. Apart from that, severe mood swings and emotional upheaval are the other giveaways of this menstrual cycle.
Why Exactly Does Period Pain Happen?
The menstrual cramps are also known as dysmenorrhea begin when the ovaries release the egg and there is no sperm to fertilize it. At that moment, the uterus contracts to expel its lining. And this muscle contraction causes cramps that are similar to labor pain. These contractions usually lead to pain in the lower abdominal area.
The severity of this pain ranges from mild to extreme differing in individual cases. And for those, who experience extreme abdominal contraction pain, there are many measures that can relieve that pain.
Useful Measures To Stop Period Pain
Or period pain relief information is going to become the best information that you ever read if you are tired of facing pain every month. So get ready to avoid period pain with these fast, no side effects, and easy-to-use measures, and say bye to dysmenorrhea forever!
1. Increase Physical Activities
Get involved in some kind of sports or simply start taking a walk, especially before menstruation. Cause walking and moderate exercising will lead to comfortable menstruation and will make muscle contractions less painful.
You can also include certain yoga exercises in your routine, like bending of knees and sitting on your heel, with your forehead touching the ground and arms stretched out will definitely provide you relief.
2. Changes In Your Diet Chart
If you want to attain absolute relief from these painful cramps and feelings of discomfort, then bring about certain changes in your diet during those critical days. This includes,
- Say no to all the caffeine products including tea, coffee, chocolates, etc. Since caffeine may make you uncomfortable and nervous during periods.
- Strictly prohibit wine and other alcohol products. Because alcohol will only aggravate this problem.
- Stay away from junk and extremely sweet or salty food. Include more veggies, chicken, fish, and fruits in your diet. Apart from that, do not take single heavy meals; instead, go for smaller and more frequent meals.
A healthy diet will lead to a healthy you. And it will definitely provide you fast relief from all the unwanted pain and discomfort.
3. Stay Warm
Staying warm and keeping the body warm can do wonders in relieving period pain. As this accelerates blood circulation and relaxes the muscles. Moreover, you can provide heat to your body through these tried and tested methods:
- Drink hot herbal tea or hot lemon juice time and again.
- Place a hot water bag or electric heating pad on the abdomen for a few minutes. This will provide quick relaxation.
- Mix 1 cup of sea salt and a cup of sodium bicarbonate in warm water. Soak for 20 minutes and see the miracle happen. It is extremely comforting and relaxing.
4. Effective Supplements
Taking supplement minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium minerals can help relieve period cramps to a great extent. Researches show that women taking calcium suffer less menstrual pain. And magnesium helps the body in absorbing calcium effectively. Hence, taking calcium and magnesium supplement during or before menstruation can help hugely.
5. Over-The-Counter Medicines
In some individual cases, all the natural and homegrown measures seem to fail. For those, taking medicines is always an ideal option. All the drugs containing ibuprofen like Advil, Haltran, and Nuprin are considered best in relieving muscle cramps. Or taking painkillers like Aspirin, Acetaminophen, etc., can also work in such cases.
At the beginning of cramps, you can take these medicines with a little milk or water, after having a little food, and can continue taking them till the pain lasts.
6. Try Acupressure
Those, who want a long-term measure to get find relief from acute menstruation pain can try acupressure. This measure is similar to acupuncture but without needles. The pressure applies to the meridian points of the body. These points are connected with certain internal organs of the body and pressure on these can relieve the pain in such areas. Hence, acupressure specialists can provide pressure on effective areas and help in relieving the pain. Acupressure provides great long-term relief.