Just got to know you are expecting twins and that too a girl and a boy – What more can you ask for? You are on top of the world with excitement and anticipation. Once your little darlings come into your world, you will have no time for anything. So make sure you are all geared up to receive them in every sense of the word. One major and enjoyable job that awaits you is naming the twins and although you do want to name them based on something similar, the names need to be distinct and identifiable with their respective gender. Searching for some unique and exclusive twin names can be quite interesting. Find out 50 Lovely Names For Boy And Girl Twins.
Read ahead and see if you find anything that may catch your eye from the below set of twin boy and girl names that have been compiled especially for you.
50 Lovely Names For Boy And Girl Twins
SL No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Brianna and Brian | Of Gaelic- Celtic origin, these two names have the meaning “noble” and would be a nice pick for your boy and girl. |
2 | Bertha and Bert | They are quite popular twin names for quite a long time now and have the meaning “the bright one. |
3 | Emma and Emmanuel | Of Hebrew roots, Emmanuel has the lovely meaning “God is with us”. Emma being the female version of Emmanuel maybe just be apt for your baby girl. |
4 | Nathan and Nathalie | Nathalie is a beautiful spiritual name that means “born on Christmas” is an all-time favorite. Nathan, a lovely name for your boy means “he has given. |
5 | Tara and Dhruv | Both of Sanskrit origins, these names have the meaning “polar star”. Wouldn’t this be a wonderful pick for your little twins? |
6 | Adithya and Aditi | Aditi is a well-liked name that has the meaning “mother of Gods.” Adithya means” belonging to Aditi”. |
7 | Harshini and Harsh | Yet another pair of Hindu names that has the lovely meaning “happy” and is extremely popular among twin children in India. |
8 | Felicity and Felix | Felicity is a Latin word that has the meaning of “happiness and good fortune.” While Felix means “happy”. |
9 | Laris and Letitia | Yet another Latin name Laris means “happy.” Letitia on the other hand has a similar meaning “joy and happiness”. |
10 | Ren and Rose | While the name Rose requires no explanation, the name Ren is of Japanese origin and means “lotus”. |
11 | Olivia and Olive | Both symbolize the Olive tree and would be a nice pick for your twin boy and girl. |
12 | Jemima and Jonah | Both these names have the meaning “dove”. |
13 | Alison and Wilson | Wilson means “son of William “and Alison has the meaning “of the noble kind”. |
14 | Sophia and Samuel | Lovely matching names that sound sophisticated and regal for your twins. |
15 | Jayden and Jade | Jade is becoming extremely popular while Jayden is the male variant of this name. |
16 | Nikko and Sunny | Nikko is of Japanese origin and means “sunlight” Sunny would be a lovely name for your little girl that matches Nikko beautifully. |
17 | Julia and Julius | While Julia is a sweet name that means “soft-haired and youthful,” Julius matches beautifully and is no doubt classy and dignified for your boy. |
18 | Beach and Bay | While Beach would be a wonderful pick for your son, Bay would be an excellent choice for your daughter. |
19 | Andrea and Andrew | A lovely pair of names perfect for your twins. |
20 | Isabella and Isaiah | Isabella is a beautiful name that has the meaning “God is my oath.” Isaiah matches this and has the meaning “God is salvation”. |
21 | Hope and Fidel | Sweet names of virtue for your twin boy and girl. |
22 | Calm and Amity | Amity is a lovely variant of Amy and means “friendship” while Calm is a lovely name of virtue. |
23 | Landon and London | An excellent choice for twins. These are destination-inspired twin names for boys and girls. |
24 | Augusta and Augustus | While Augusta is the female variant of August, Augustus is of Latin origin and has the meaning “great and magnificent”. |
25 | Ethan and Emma | Isn’t this an idyllic set of names for your twin boy and girl? Ethan is a biblical baby boy name with the meaning ” strong, the gift of the island” while Emma is a popular name for your little girl with a beautiful meaning ” whole, complete”. |
26 | Verona and Eden | Lovely names for your little darlings and becoming quite popular these days too. Hebrew origin, which means “place of pleasure” and is apt for your little boy. Verona on the other hand is the name of an Italian city and is becoming a popular variation for Veronica, a popular baby girl name. |
27 | Mason and Madison | Of German roots, Madison means ” mighty battle”. |
28 | Amira and Amir | Both names are of Arabic origin and while Amir has the meaning “treetop” Amira is the female variant of this name. |
29 | Freya and February | While February has the meaning “purification feast”, Freya is the” Norse Goddess of Fertility and love”. |
30 | Grace and Garret | While Garret means “strength”, Grace is a very popular name for ages. |
31 | Reagan and Riley | While Riley boasts of an Irish origin and means “valiant.” Reagan has the meaning “impulsive”. |
32 | Asher and Alisa | Alisa has the meaning “great happiness” and Asher, although a Biblical name matches Alisa perfectly. |
33 | Caleb and Chloe | Caleb is now gaining much popularity and Chloe is a wonderful match for this name. |
34 | Ryan and Emily | Sweet names that may catch your fancy. |
35 | Hannah and Noah | A simple pair of names that sounds beautiful to the ear. Hannah is a beautiful Hebrew origin name for your little girl meaning “grace” while has the meaning “rest, comfort” and is an ideal choice for your boy. |
36 | Hunter and Hayden | They sound wonderful together. Hayden has the meaning “from the Hay Downs”. Hunter is a unisex name and has the meaning “one who hunts”. |
37 | Zoey and Zac | A pair of short and sweet names that would be an idyllic choice for your little girl and boy. |
38 | Alexander and Ava | Regal names are perfect for your twins. |
39 | Clover and Cliff | Cliff is extremely popular and a shortened version of Clifton while Clover is an enchanting name for your little girl. |
40 | Benjamin and Abigail | Both of Hebrew roots, Benjamin have the meaning “fortunate” while Abigail means “Source of joy”. |
41 | Charlotte and Charlie | Try this pair that now tops the list in many countries. |
42 | Petunia and Pine | Yet another lovely pair of names that match beautifully. |
43 | Ira and Ari | Of Hebrew origin, Ira means “watchful one”. Ari is of Arabic roots and has the meaning “lion”. |
44 | Noel and Leon | Noel has the meaning” Christmas and would be idyllic for your baby girl while Leon is a nice name for your boy and means “lion”. |
45 | Aidan and Nadia | Aidan has the meaning “little fire. While Nadia is a beautiful name that means” hope”. |
46 | Lola and Leo | They sound lovely together. Leo originates from Italy and means “lion”. Lola is a popular Spanish girl name. |
47 | Forest and Flora | Yet another pair of unique names for your twins and associated with the Roman goddess of spring and flowers. |
48 | Zachary and Marie | A pair of lovely rhyming names that would be perfect for your little darlings. |
49 | Max and Mia | A pair of matching names that sounds simple and sweet and start with the same alphabet. |
50 | Nova and January | A pair of nice names that would be simple and nice for your twins. Nova is of Latin origin and an apt name for your little angel and means “new beginning” On the other hand January marks the beginning of a new year and fits well with Nova. |
Hope this list of 50 Lovely Names For Boy And Girl Twins is helpful for finding names for your boy and girl. Just remember while selecting names for your twin boy and girl you stick with a theme. Do not choose two entirely opposite names for your twins. You can even choose names that sound the same or are rhyming.