Boys are different from girls in all aspects. It does not mean that a boy is in any way better or worse than a girl but just that they differ from each other in physical, social, mental and emotional capacities. Raising a baby boy is a different experience altogether. On the social front, most boys appear less emotional and sensitive than girls. However, this is not true. Boys have a hard time in expressing their feelings and emotions unlike girls who are more verbally expressive. It has also been proven scientifically that boys mature at a slower pace than girls. Toddler boys will learn to talk slower than toddler girls. So, if your child is asking or telling you something by way of pointing towards it, it is necessary that you pay attention and reassure him that you understand what he wants.
Typically, boys aren’t very demanding but sometimes petty issues such as not being able to reach their favourite toy might upset them so, you should help them succeed in achieving their goals instead of scolding them for not being able to speak as yet. Also, you should provide comfort to them by hugging or kissing when they get upset over something like a broken toy. Physically, little boys are generally more energetic than girls and like to jump around. Unlike girls, who would like to sit at one place to play, boys like to engage in activities such as running, jumping, playing with a ball, climbing on the furniture, cycling, or so on. Boys are more interested in puzzles, cars and guns but this does not mean that you should limit their toys according to these stereotypes. You should widen their interest areas by incorporating all sorts of toys for them to play with. Including a variety of games in their portfolio can help them develop analytical, motor and cognitive skills.
Boys are also more likely to get hurt by falling down or jumping so you should keep a well-stocked first aid kit at home for minor injuries such as bruises and cuts. Boys tend to be more aggressive than girls. If your toddler goes to preschool then there are chances that he will get into a fight with another kid over a toy or something else. According to scientists, this is due to the male hormone testosterone, but this does not mean that you can blame it on the hormones every time. Be sure to set limits and teach your child that it is wrong to fight with someone. Talk to him and make him understand the concept of sharing his belongings and eatables by setting examples. Remember that no matter how much you try and protect them, they will fall down and get hurt. The only thing that you can and you should do is support them. However, here are a few quick tips that you should keep in mind when it comes to raising boys.
You cannot baby proof your house enough for little boys, they will get into all kinds of activities. All you can do is to be well- stocked and well-prepared for emergencies.

Baby boys have an unlimited reserve of energy and curiosity. They will touch your stuff no matter how much you tell them not to. Simply remove the things from their reach or explain to them why you do not want them to touch that specific thing.
They will make a mess. You cannot stop them from making a mess while they are eating or playing. They will spill milk, tear the newspapers, and throw food. What you should do is keep clearing the mess and continue to counsel them.
As a parent you need to understand that they are, after all, just kids. No matter how different they might be from each other, they will always need your love and support.