Pregnancy brings a lot of changes in your body. Some of them are adorable but others can be annoying. Skin tags during pregnancy will definitely fall under the annoying section. But no matter how unlikeable they are, skin tags are quite common during pregnancy because of various reasons.
In this article, we will discuss the factors that trigger skin tags, especially during pregnancy. You will also get an idea about the treatments of skin tags both in medical as well as home remedial forms. Here you will also get some valuable tips to prevent skin tags when you are pregnant.
What are Skin Tags?
Skin tags are benign non-cancerous growths of the skin cells that appear on the friction-prone areas of your skin. Skin tags are also known as soft fibromas and acrochordons. Skin tags consist of blood vessels and loose collagen fibers that can look like a mole but are smooth, loose, and bumpy.
Skin tags can occur on necks, underarms, beneath the breasts, eyelids, and even around the genitals. Thus skin tags can emerge from anywhere where the skin rubs against anything regularly.
In pregnancy, as you gain more weight it is normal to develop skin tags as your skin rubs more against each other. Skin tags are harmless and mostly do not require medical attention. The skin tags appear during pregnancy even sometimes removed automatically after pregnancy.
Causes of Skin Tags During Pregnancy
The exact cause behind skin tags is still unknown. However, there are a few factors that increase the possibility of skin tags during pregnancy. Here are the possible causes for skin tags during pregnancy
1. Gaining Weight
A study published in The Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology shows that skin tags are common in people with obesity. This is because the skin continuously rubs against each other in the joints or the folds when you get some extra fat under it. As, during pregnancy, it is mandatory to gain at least 10 to 15 kgs, there is no wonder if you gain a few skin tags along with it.
2. Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal imbalance is another possible reason behind skin tags. A study published in NCBI shows that fluctuations in reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone cause skin tags in women. Hence skin tags in women occur during puberty and pregnancy and decrease after menopause.
3. Release of Leptin Hormone
Leptin hormone, released from the fat tissues of both the fetus and the mother, can also increase skin tags during pregnancy as suggested in a report by IJDVL.
4. Diabetes
A report published in SciElO Brazil points out the link between diabetes and insulin resistance and skin tags. Gestational diabetes is a common side effect of pregnancy.
5. Genetics
Skin tag is also a genetic issue. So if your family members have skin tags then there are chances of yours getting them too.
Where do Skin Tags Commonly Appear?
During pregnancy, skin tags especially appear beneath the enlarged breasts, around the nipple area, vaginal surface, and neck folds. A woman gains almost at least 10 kgs or more during her pregnancy. As skin tags are related to weight gain and the friction in between the skin as a result of it, it is quite normal to get skin tags during pregnancy.
The number or region of the occurrence of skin tags during pregnancy varies from woman to woman. Some women may also not develop skin tags during their pregnancy at all. A study published shows that skin tags are genetically transmitted conditions. That means your chances of getting skin tags increase if one of your parents or close family members has it.
Treatment Options for Skin Tags During Pregnancy
Skin tags, as they are harmless, do not usually require any medical treatment. But skin tags on open areas like necks, faces, and underarms can give you a sense of embarrassment. Thus often women go for a skin tag removal treatment, not for any medical reason but for cosmetic reasons. Moreover, any accidental pulls and cuts or rubbing against clothes and jewelry can lead to non-stop bleeding. So if your skin tag is causing you pain, irritation, or social embarrassment then there are few treatment options to remove them. These are
1. Excision or Severing
In this treatment, the doctor will cut the skin tag with a scissor or a scalpel. You may also get stitches if the skin tag is comparatively bigger. You can get a tiny whitish or pinkish scar on the place of the skin tag after its removal.
2. Cryosurgery or Freezing
In this treatment, the doctor will apply liquid nitrogen on your skin tag. Liquid nitrogen will immediately freeze the tissues and kill the cells of the skin tag. Then the skin tag will fall off as a bundle of dead skin cells.
3. Hyfrecation or Burning
In this method of treatment, an electric pulse is used to burn the skin cells of the skin tag. The doctor will use local anesthesia to make it painless for you.
However, it is recommended to avoid these medical treatments to remove skin tags when you are pregnant. Only in cases where the skin tags are affecting your peace of mind or daily life or causing any complications can you go for surgical procedures. Otherwise, it will be wise for you to wait until childbirth or go for home remedies to remove skin tags.
Home Remedies for Skin Tags During Pregnancy
As it is good to avoid medical procedures, you can trust some home remedies to cure skin tags. The home remedies for skin tags are
1. Garlic
Garlic is one of the famous home remedies for multiple dermatological problems. According to the report by NCBI, the antioxidant and immunomodulatory factors present in garlic enable it to kill unwanted cell growth.
Just crush some pieces of garlic and apply it on your skin tags. Cover the area with a clean bandage. It will be best to leave it overnight. Do the same until you get results.
2. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that help in the reduction and removal of skin tags with regular use.
3. Banana Peel
Banana peel is an effective home remedy for skin tags. It can dry out the skin tag to make it fall apart. Place a piece of a banana peel on the skin tag with the help of medical tape or bandage and leave it overnight.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can also help in drying your skin tags and making them fall. For this, you will have to apply it using a cotton swab to the particular area to prevent unnecessary skin burns.
However, even before attempting any home remedy, talk to your doctor if it is safe. Because pregnancy is a phase you wouldn’t want to take any risk without really being aware of the outcome. Your doctor will be the right person to advise you and help you, keeping the safety of you and your baby in mind.
Top Tips to Prevent Skin Tags During Pregnancy
Skin tags during pregnancy occur because of weight gain which you cannot prevent. But you can prevent the friction between your skin because of that extra fat. Here are 5 tips for you to prevent skin tags during pregnancy
1. Moisturize Your Skin
Without proper moisture, your skin will get dry and more friction-prone and a breeding place for skin tags. Use moisturizers like Vaseline, shea butter, Cocoa butter body lotions, or body oils, especially on the folds or curves of your body like the neck, armpits, and below the breast regions. These are the favorite areas of skin tags so provide them extra moisture.
2. Wear Loose and Breathable Clothes
Tight clothes cause extra rubbing and irritation on your skin. Wear comfortable daily wear bras to uplift your breasts to avoid friction.
3. Maintain a Healthy Diet
As skin tags are related to diabetes, high blood sugar, and cholesterol, maintaining them is good for your pregnancy and skin tags.
4. Avoid Wearing Heavy Jewelry
Avoid wearing heavy jewelry or neckpieces to prevent skin tags on the neck
Skin tags are generally harmless so you should not go harsh on them especially when pregnant. Please wait until your pregnancy is over, let them drop on their own. If skin tags are not removed even after pregnancy and application of home remedies then only go for surgical procedures. But do keep an eye out for any sudden and unusual growth or color changes in your skin tags. Take medical advice and remove such skin tags if your doctor suggests.
1. How Are Skin Tags Different From Warts?
Warts are caused by the HPV virus in which excess production of keratin protein results in hard, and rough bumps on the skin. Skin tags on the other hand are soft and tiny round pieces of flesh that occur particularly on the friction-prone areas of the skin.
2. Can You Remove Skin Tags At Home?
You can remove skin tags at home by applying skin tag freezing and removing kits. But they are risky to try without a doctor’s advice. You can definitely try the home remedies for removing skin tags instead of going to the extreme to cut off the skin tag at home.