Browsing: Week 32

Pregnancy comes with a host of weird symptoms, and if you are finding it hard to remember things now, do not be surprised. Forgetfulness during pregnancy or ‘momnesia’ is quite a normal condition that accompanies pregnancy, and is sometimes also called ‘pregnancy brain’. No, this does not mean that your brain gets changed, or your brain’s capacity becomes lesser. ‘Momnesia’ induces memory losses and this stands justified when you are stressed, fatigued, short on sleep, and overly busy. You may tend to forget appointments, phone numbers that you have been dialing for years, where did you keep your purse, and…

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A cesarean section is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby by giving an incision over the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus. It’s mostly done when normal delivery is not possible or in dire emergencies where the mother is in labor and the baby is in distress. However, at present times it can also be done selectively. Like all procedures, C-section babies also have benefits and side effects for both mother and baby (1) In recent times c section has become popular and many people are using c section alternate to vaginal birth. In this article, we will be discussing…

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You are approaching your due date and understandably you are a riding a roller-coaster of emotions – nervous about the experience, excited about the baby, worried about the life after, ecstatic about the wait being over and so on. As if you did not have enough to worry about, someone talks about having to remove the pubic hair before going for the delivery. If you have always got a bikini wax done, then this new piece of information should not worry you much. However, if you have never shaved the area, or if you are embarrassed about getting your pubic…

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For the majority of Indian women, whether giving birth in hospitals or homes, the most-common birth position is still lithotomy – flat on the back with legs spread wide and pulled back to each side. And just to make matters worse -in hospitals, you will be strapped to ensure that you don’t slip or slide out of place. Unfortunately, this is one of the most primitive and outdated methods of birth, which is only convenient for doctors and midwives as this position permits them the easiest access to the woman’s belly for checking, the fetal heart rate. It is also…

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So you had a brave day fighting sinful cravings and tiredness, and at the end of the day, nothing else is required than tucking in a comfortable bed and going to a deep slumber. Imagine being woken up with a sudden feeling of heat from the body, which doesn’t seem to go away quickly. If you are pregnant, you might have already experienced this scenario or will do so in the near future. Yes, this has something to do with the pregnancy. Yes, these are hot flashes during pregnancy. No, it’s not something to worry about because more than 70%…

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Your recovery after childbirth during first few weeks totally depends upon your birth experience. The road to recovery is long if your baby was above 3.5kg and during pushing time your perineum was torn badly. Episiotomy can also make it longer for you to heal. But if in case your baby was smaller or it was your second or third baby and your perineum suffered less tearing or was intact then you can be one of those lucky women who can have a little quicker recovery than others. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or had a C-section, being informed…

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Finally, the long wait of nine months has come to end and the sweet fruit of your toil – your bundle of joy is snuggling in your arms! With all the excitement, comes along fatigue. The body is healing from the delivery procedure, working to produce adequate milk for breastfeeding and taking care of the baby – all this easily takes a toll on a new mum rendering her exhausted! No wonder she searches for energy booster tips. The work kind of doubles up after pregnancy and your body unfortunately does not gets all the rest it should. Though sleep…

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Considering the major problem of weaning is that mothers do not produce enough milk, having too much milk is also difficult for mothers. Termed hyperlactation, it is a condition when your breasts are producing more milk than your baby requires. The milk comes out forcibly, leaking a lot, and thus makes it difficult for the baby and she cannot feed properly. Sometimes milk might leak from the breasts too. Lactation is important as it strengthens the love bonds between the mother and the newborn. Sometimes overproduction of milk becomes a troubling problem.’ However, having too much milk is pretty easy…

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Giving birth to a child is an experience that every woman wants to experience. As the day of delivery approaches, women start thinking and searching around for pain relief options. It’s a good time to head to the hospital and ask your doctor about a detailed birth plan and pain management options. Let us understand the process of epidural during pregnancy and how it helps in pain relief. An epidural injection is one popular and safe option for pain relief during labor. It can be a good alternative for your pain management. Hence, a better understanding of how the epidural…

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Pregnancy can be tough on your back! Backaches are one of the common problems that will wear you out in pregnancy. Some women have periodic back pain, generally starting towards the second trimester of pregnancy, while others suffer from constant pain for the whole nine months. The good news is that in most cases, it eases soon after birth. This is due to the hormones which relax the ligaments, joints, and muscles that attach your pelvic bone. Gaining that extra weight during pregnancy can add to the problem by aggravating stress on your joints, making it painful to walk, stand,…

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