Browsing: Week 5

Congratulations!!! You have most likely just found out that you are pregnant using a home pregnancy kit. You have taken down many references and chosen a gynecologist wisely. Getting that initial glimpse of the baby on an ultrasound machine is one of the most exciting moments of pregnancy. You have scheduled your first gynecologist visit and are wondering when your first pregnancy scan will be done? How is it done? Will it hurt? What are doctors looking for? Get all your answers for your questions here. In This Article What and When Will be Your First Pregnancy Scan? Dating Scan…

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During your pregnancy, it’s quite normal to be concerned about your baby’s health, particularly when it involves traveling -whether by train, car, or plane. Traveling while you are carrying your precious little life within you can bring its own set of challenges for you. However, expectant mothers are seen in more dilemma about the clarity on how safe it is to travel by air when you are pregnant. Here are a few important points that can help you in planning air travel during pregnancy. It is usually safe to fly once in a while during pregnancy. Women who are pregnant…

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Though pregnancy is the time during which you should not over-exert your body yet, it is definitely not the time when you should just stay in all the time in bed. It is important to keep yourself busy with some physical activities. If you exercise, it is even better. Fret not, working out will not cause any harm to your growing baby. But you have to follow a few simple tips to exercise safely during pregnancy. Of course, exercising during pregnancy doesn’t mean that you go for tedious cardio routines and vigorous exercises which you would otherwise do to lose…

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Ovarian hyperstimulation is a syndrome that usually occurs in women who are taking fertility medications to boost egg production, particularly in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Since IVF medications aim at the development of eggs in the ovary for fertilization, particularly ovulation, one cannot say for sure how much injectable medicine you might need. The excess of this medicine can result in too many hormones in your ovary, further leading to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. What Causes of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome? The main cause of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), is fertility drugs. Generally, fertility drugs are used to produce egg sacs, but…

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Birth defects is a heartbreaking topic to discuss, but it’s an important topic for which awareness and education must be spread among people. Receiving the proper information can help in preventing, understanding and treating birth defects. Birth defects are the conditions that start developing when baby is in mother’s womb and is present when the baby is born. They are often the result of a combination of factors like genetic, environmental and individual behavior. There are almost 60% of birth defects whose causes are still unknown to us. 10 Simple Ways to Prevent Birth Defects in Your Baby There are…

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Pregnancy is associated with women craving for pickles, lemons, khatti imli (इमली), ice creams, etc at odd times of the night. Many women expect that they will feel the urge to have their favorite pastry in the middle of the night. But that’s not all. Pregnancy also makes some women not stand food that they loved their entire lives. It could be smell, taste, look or anything else that may cause one to discard food and not want to look at it again. This is known as food aversion during pregnancy. Like food cravings, food aversions during early pregnancy are…

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Pregnancy is definitely like a roller coaster ride with moments of joy and a few bumps here and there. There can be a lot of challenges a woman faces during her pregnancy. Hormonal changes are one such problem. As soon as you conceive, the hormonal levels start to change. The thyroid gland also begins to grow in size leading to abnormal levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. There can be a deficiency of thyroid hormone causing hypothyroidism in pregnancy or there can be an excess of this hormone causing hyperthyroidism. Optimal levels of this hormone are a must to…

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Congratulations!! You just found your pregnancy test to be positive and now you are dying to tell your husband the big news. Getting him informed about pregnancy can be very exciting for you. But the question is “how to announce pregnancy to your husband?” Dialing the phone or typing an SMS will also send the message, but doesn’t it sound boring? Do you want to tell him about your pregnancy in a different way, without using words? Actually, it’s a wonderful idea for which you need to be a little creative. Here are some ways by which you may deliver…

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Big congratulations on becoming pregnant! This is one of the happiest moments in a female’s life and from this point onwards, your life changes completely – for the better. This happiest moment has arrived in your life. A normal pregnancy lasts about 9 months, i.e. 40 weeks from the date of your last menstrual cycle. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, you need to take proper care and precautions during these nine months of pregnancy. The entire period of pregnancy is divided into three phases, as below: First three months i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy are known as…

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