Massage not only relaxes your baby but also strengthens her muscles and leads to good sleep. It has several other benefits too. There is a correct way of massaging infants which should be followed for maximum benefit. Massage should not be given immediately after feeding or if she’s tired and feeling sleepy. The baby will be more willing and co-operative if you tune in the massages as per her moods and you will not have to struggle. Considering massage at the same time each day is good (as baby knows what to expect) but may not always work with these little ones.
Some simple tips to massage a baby-
- You can massage your baby on the bed, changing table or on the floor. Sitting on the floor for the massage with the soles of your feet together making a diamond shape with your legs is the most common and comfortable position for massaging your baby.
- Take oil for massage in a container – you can heat it a little if you like.
- Once you sit in the above mentioned position, drape a blanket or a thick cloth or towel over your feet.
- Now undress your baby and make her lie down on the blanket, resting her head on your feet.(once you make diamond shape as explained)
- Using oil start with her legs: Hold her leg gently and start stroking downwards gently squeezing her thighs and calves. Stroke all the way down to her ankle using both the hands in opposite direction as if you are milking a cow. Switch legs and repeat the same several times.
- Now gently rub her feet and sole using thumbs in circular direction. Gently squeeze her feet .Using thumb and forefinger pull each of her toe softly.
- Crisscross her legs gently for light exercise after massage.
- The same technique can be used for massaging arms.
- For face massage: Draw small circles on her forehead using tip of your fingers. Place your thumb in the middle of her eyebrows and stroke out.
- Stroke out cheeks in circular motion.
Pull the baby’s fingers very softly - Chest massage should be given using both of your palms. Keep your palm on her chest and make a heart shape bringing hands to shoulder and then bringing them down together.
- Head massage should always be in circular motion for everyone (even for adults). Gently apply pressure using fingertips on head.
- For tummy, place one hand on the chest and stroke it down to the point below belly. Use alternate hands and repeat it several times. After finishing tummy massage, hold her knees and gently press them up towards her abdomen.
- For back massage hold your baby’s bum with one hand and gently stroke down from neck to bums. Give massage to bums in circular motion.
- Always pat her dry and clean with soft muslins or towels.
You need to look for signs that tell you which stroke your baby likes and till when she wants to be massaged. If she cries, that means she’s telling you that she’s had enough for the day. If on a given your baby is being cranky and uncomfortable, try applying light pressure. If you end up struggling even after that, skip the day and give the baby a break!