Goddess Sita, the wife of Lord Rama, is the goddess of beauty and devotion. In Hinduism, Sita is regarded as a form of Mother Lakshmi. She is also the chief goddess of the Hindu mythology of the Ramayana. Names play a significant role in the life of a child so parents often look for unique goddess Sita names for baby girls. In Indian households, the birth of a girl is believed to be the arrival of the goddess herself.
Parents often prefer naming their children after gods and goddesses, as it is widely believed that doing so helps instill the qualities of the goddess in the baby girl as well. Not only these, but these names also carry the spiritual significance, power, and protection of the goddess herself. This article lists unique Hindu goddess Sita names for baby girls in Hindi, Sanskrit, Telugu, And Tamil.
Infographics – Goddess Sita Names With Meanings
108 Auspicious Name of Goddess Sita
Goddess Sita is also known as Janaki, Vaidehi, Maithili, or Bhoomija. She is the daughter of King Janak of Janakpur and his wife Queen Sunayana. The elder sister of Urmila and cousins Mandavi and Shrutakirti. Also known as the daughter of earth (bhumi). Goddess Sita is one of the greatest women of Hinduism so she has been honoured with 108 names of Sita. All these names embody the charm, attributes, powers qualities making her inspiring as well as unique. These names are even dedicated to her courage, affection, unmatched dedication and commitment, purity, and self -sacrifice.
SL No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Shrisitayai ( श्रीसीतायै) | To Goddess Sita, the embodiment of prosperity |
2 | Lokajananyai ( लोकजनन्यै ) | To the Mother of the entire universe |
3 | Jayavriddhidayai ( जयवृद्धिदायै ) | To the one who bestows victory and progress |
4 | Jayodvahapriyayai ( जयोद्वाहप्रियायै ) | To the beloved of the victorious one (Lord Rama) |
5 | Ramayai ( रामायै ) | To the consort of Lord Rama |
6 | Lakshmyai ( लक्ष्म्यै) | To Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of wealth and prosperity |
7 | Janakakanyakayai ( जनककन्यकायै ) | To the daughter of King Janaka |
8 | Rajivasarvasvaharipadadvayanchitayai ( राजीवसर्वस्वहारिपादद्वयाञ्चितायै) | To the one devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Rama, who owns everything |
9 | Rajatkanakamanikyatulakotivirajitayai (राजत्कनकमाणिक्यतुलाकोटिविराजितायै) | To the one adorned with silver, gold, and countless precious gems |
10 | Manihemavichitrodyatruskarotbhasibhushanayai ( मणिहेमविचित्रोद्यत्रुस्करोत्भासिभूषणायै) | To the one shining brightly with exquisite ornaments of gems and gold |
11 | Nanaratnajitamitrakanchishobhinitambinyai ( नानारत्नजितामित्रकाञ्चिशोभिनितम्बिन्यै ) | To the one whose waist is adorned with a girdle made of various precious stones |
12 | Devadanavagandharvayaksharakshasasevitayai ( देवदानवगन्धर्वयक्षराक्षससेवितायै) | To the one served by gods, demons, gandharvas, yakshas, and rakshasas |
13 | Sakritprapannajanatasanrakshanakritatvarayai ( सकृत्प्रपन्नजनतासंरक्षणकृतत्वरायै) | To the one who quickly protects those who seek refuge in her |
14 | Ekakaloditanekachandrabhaskarabhasurayai ( एककालोदितानेकचन्द्रभास्करभासुरायै) | To the one shining with the brilliance of numerous moons and suns rising at the same time |
15 | Dwitiyatatidullasidivyapitambarayai ( द्वितीयतटिदुल्लासिदिव्यपीताम्बरायै ) | To the one wearing a resplendent divine yellow garment like lightning |
16 | Trivargadiphalabhishtadayikarunyavikshanayai ( त्रिवर्गादिफलाभीष्टदायिकारुण्यवीक्षणायै ) | To the compassionate one who grants the desired fruits of Dharma, Artha, and Kama |
17 | Chaturvargapradanodyatkarapanjashobhitayai ( चतुर्वर्गप्रदानोद्यत्करपङ्जशोभितायै) | To the one whose hands grant the four Purusharthas (Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha) |
18 | Panchayajnaparanekayogimanasarajitayai ( पञ्चयज्ञपरानेकयोगिमानसराजितायै) | To the one revered in the minds of yogis engaged in the five great sacrifices (Pancha Yajna) |
19 | Shadgunyapurnavibhavayai ( षाड्गुण्यपूर्णविभवायै) | To the one endowed with six divine qualities |
20 | Saptatatvadidevatayai ( सप्ततत्वादिदेवतायै) | To the presiding deity of the seven fundamental principles |
21 | Ashtamichandrarekhabhachitrakotbhasinasikayai (अष्टमीचन्द्ररेखाभचित्रकोत्भासिनासिकायै ) | To the one whose nose shines like the crescent moon of the eighth lunar phase |
22 | Navavaranapujitayai (नवावरणपूजितायै । | To the one worshiped with the Navavarana ritual (nine-layered worship) |
23 | Ramanandakarayai (रामानन्दकरायै ) | To the one who bestows bliss upon Lord Rama |
24 | Ramanathayai (रामनाथायै ) | To the consort of Lord Rama, the supreme lord |
25 | Raghavananditayai ( राघवनन्दितायै ) | To the one who delights Lord Rama |
26 | Ramaveshitabhavayai ( रामावेशितभावायै ) | To the one immersed in thoughts of Lord Rama |
27 | Ramayattatmavaibhavayai ( रामायत्तात्मवैभवायै ) | To the one whose soul’s glory is dedicated to Lord Rama |
28 | Ramottamayai (रामोत्तमायै ) | To the supreme consort of Lord Rama |
29 | Rajamukhyai (राजमुख्यै ) | To the one who is the foremost among queens |
30 | Ranjitamodakuntalayai ( रञ्जितामोदकुन्तलायै ) | To the one with fragrant, beautifully arranged hair |
31 | Divyasaketanilayayai (दिव्यसाकेतनिलयायै) | To the one who resides in the divine abode of Saketa (Ayodhya) |
32 | Divyavaditrasevitayai (दिव्यवादित्रसेवितायै) | To the one served with divine musical instruments |
33 | Ramanuvrittimuditayai (रामानुवृत्तिमुदितायै) | To the one who delights in following Lord Rama’s commands |
34 | Chitrakutakritalayayai (चित्रकूटकृतालयायै ) | To the one who resided at Chitrakuta |
35 | Anusuyakritakalpayai (अनुसूयाकृताकल्पायै ) | To the one adorned and praised by Anasuya (sage Atri’s wife) |
36 | Analpasvantasanshritayai (अनल्पस्वान्तसंश्रितायै ) | To the one sought by countless pure-hearted devotees |
37 | Vichitramalyabharanayai (विचित्रमाल्याभरणायै) | To the one adorned with beautiful garlands and ornaments |
38 | Virathamathanodyatayai (विराथमथनोद्यतायै) | To the one determined to destroy the demon Viratha |
39 | Shritapanchavatitirayai (श्रितपञ्चवटीतीरायै ) | To the one who stayed at the banks of Panchavati |
40 | Khadyotanakulanandayai (श्रितपञ्चवटीतीरायै ) | To the one who delights fireflies (symbolizing purity and simplicity) |
41 | Kharadivadhananditayai (खरादिवधनन्दितायै) | To the one delighted by the destruction of Khara and other demons |
42 | Mayamarichamathanayai( मायामारीचमथनायै) | To the one who witnessed the destruction of the illusory Maricha |
43 | Mayamanushavigrahayai (मायामानुषविग्रहायै) | To the one who assumed a human form through divine illusion |
44 | Chhalatyajitasaumitryai (छलत्याजितसौमित्र्यै) | To the one who tested and encouraged Lakshmana’s valor |
45 | Chhavinirjitapankajayai (छविनिर्जितपङ्कजायै) | To the one whose radiance surpasses that of a lotus |
46 | Trinikritadashagrivayai (तृणीकृतदशग्रीवायै) | To the one who considered Ravana (the ten-headed one) insignificant like a blade of grass |
47 | Tranayodyatamanasayai (त्राणायोद्यतमानसायै) | To the one whose mind is always focused on protecting others |
48 | Hanumaddarshanapritayai (हनुमद्दर्शनप्रीतायै ) | To the one delighted by meeting Hanuman |
49 | Hasyalilavisharadayai (हास्यलीलाविशारदायै) | To the one skilled in playful laughter and pastimes |
50 | Mudradarshanasantushtayai (मुद्रादर्शनसन्तुष्टायै ) | To the one satisfied by seeing Rama’s ring as a sign from Hanuman |
51 | Mudramudritajivitayai (मुद्रामुद्रितजीवितायै ) | To the one whose life was revived by seeing Rama’s ring |
52 | Ashokavanikavasayai (अशोकवनिकावासायै ) | To the one who resided in the Ashoka grove |
53 | Nishshokikritanirjarayai (निश्शोकीकृतनिर्जरायै ) | To the one who removed the grief of the celestials |
54 | Lankadahakasankalpayai (लङ्कादाहकसङ्कल्पायै) | To the one who inspired the burning of Lanka |
55 | Lankavalayarodhinyai (लङ्कावलयरोधिन्यै ) | To the one who caused Lanka to be besieged |
56 | Shuddhikritasantushtayai (शुद्धिकृतासन्तुष्टायै ) | To the one who became joyful after being purified |
57 | Shumalyambaravritayai (शुमाल्याम्बरावृतायै ) | To the one adorned with pure garlands and garments |
58 | Santushtapatisamstutayai (सन्तुष्टपतिसंस्तुतायै ) | To the one who was praised and satisfied by her husband, Lord Rama |
59 | Santushtahridayalayayai ( सन्तुष्टहृदयालयायै ) | To the one whose heart is a sanctuary of contentment |
60 | Shwashurastanupujyayai (श्वशुरस्तानुपूज्यायै) | To the one revered by her in-laws |
61 | Kamalasanavanditayai (कमलासनवन्दितायै ) | To the one worshiped by Brahma seated on a lotus |
62 | Animadyashtasamsiddhayai (अणिमाद्यष्टसंसिद्धायै | To the one who embodies the eight mystic perfections, starting with Anima |
63 | Kripavaptavibhishanayai (कृपावाप्तविभीषणायै ) | To the one whose grace blessed Vibhishana |
64 | Divyapushpakasamrudhayai (दिव्यपुष्पकसंरूढायै) | To the one seated on the celestial Pushpaka Vimana |
65 | Divishadganavanditayai (दिविषद्गणवन्दितायै) | To the one worshiped by the celestial beings |
66 | Japakusumasankashayai (जपाकुसुमसङ्काशायै) | To the one shining like the bright hibiscus flower |
67 | Divyakshaumambaravritayai (दिव्यक्षौमाम्बरावृतायै ) | To the one draped in divine silk garments |
68 | Divyasimhasanarudhayai (दिव्यसिंहासनारूढायै) | To the one seated on a divine throne |
69 | Divyakalpavibhushanayai (दिव्याकल्पविभूषणायै) | To the one adorned with celestial ornaments |
70 | Rajyabhishiktadayitayai (राज्याभिषिक्तदयितायै) | To the beloved queen of the coronated king (Lord Rama) |
71 | Divyayodhyadhidevatayai (दिव्यायोध्याधिदेवतायै) | To the presiding deity of the divine Ayodhya |
72 | Divyagandhaviliptangyai (दिव्यगन्धविलिप्ताङ्ग्यै) | To the one whose body is made sacred with divine fragrances |
73 | Divyavayavasundaryai (दिव्यावयवसुन्दर्यै ) | To the one whose limbs possess divine beauty |
74 | Hayyangavinahridayayai (हय्यङ्गवीनहृदयायै) | To the one whose heart is pure and soft like clarified butter |
75 | Haryakshaganapujitayai (हर्यक्षगणपूजितायै) | To the one worshiped by celestial beings and attendants |
76 | Ghanasarasugandhadhyayai (घनसारसुगन्धाढ्यायै ) | To the one adorned with the rich fragrance of sandalwood |
77 | Ghanakunchitamurdhajayai (घनकुञ्चितमूर्धजायै) | To the one whose thick, curly hair is mesmerizing |
78 | Chandrikasmitasampurnayai चन्द्रिकास्मितसम्पूर्णायै | To the one whose smile radiates like moonlight |
79 | Charuchamikarambarayai (चारुचामीकराम्बरायै) | To the one beautifully adorned with golden garments |
80 | Yoginyai (योगिन्यै) | To the one who is a master of yogic power |
81 | Mohinyai (मोहिन्यै ) | To the one who captivates with her charm and beauty |
82 | Stambhinyai ( स्तम्भिन्यै) | To the one who has the power to paralyze her enemies |
83 | Akhilandeshwaryai (अखिलाण्डेश्वर्यै) | To the supreme ruler of the entire universe |
84 | Shubhayai (शुभायै) | To the one who embodies auspiciousness |
85 | Gauryai (गौर्यै) | To the one who is radiant and fair as Gauri (Parvati) |
86 | Narayanyai (नारायण्यै) | To the consort of Narayana (Lord Vishnu) |
87 | Prityai (प्रीत्यै) | To the one who is the embodiment of love |
88 | Swahayai (स्वाहायै) | To the one who receives sacrifices in sacred fire rituals |
89 | Svadhayai (स्वधायै) | To the one who nurtures the ancestors through offerings |
90 | Shivayai (शिवायै) | To the one who embodies auspiciousness and purity |
91 | Ashritanandajananyai (आश्रितानन्दजनन्यै) | To the one who gives joy to her devotees |
92 | Bharatyai (भारत्यै) | To the one who is revered as Bharati, the goddess of knowledge |
93 | Varahyai (वाराह्यैः) | To the one who is the feminine counterpart of Varaha (the boar incarnation of Vishnu) |
94 | Vaishnavyai (वैष्णव्यै) | To the one devoted to Lord Vishnu |
95 | Brahmyaih (ब्राह्म्यैः) | To the one associated with Brahma, the creator |
96 | Siddhavanditayai (सिद्धवन्दितायै) | To the one worshiped by perfected beings (siddhas) |
97 | Shadhadharanivasinyai (षढाधारनिवासिन्यै) | To the one who resides in the six spiritual centers of the body |
98 | Kalakokilasallapayai (कलकोकिलसल्लापायै) | To the one whose voice is as sweet as the song of a cuckoo |
99 | Kalahamsakanupurayai (कलहंसकनूपुरायै) | To the one whose anklets make the melodious sound of a swan |
100 | Kshantishantyadigunashalinyai (क्षान्तिशान्त्यादिगुणशालिन्यै) | To the one who embodies patience, peace, and other noble virtues |
101 | Kandarpajananyai (कन्दर्पजनन्यै) | To the one who gave birth to beauty and desire, like Kamadeva (god of love) |
102 | Sarvalokasamaradhyayai (सर्वलोकसमारध्यायै) | To the one who is worshiped by all beings in all worlds |
103 | Saugandhasumanapriyayai (सौगन्धसुमनप्रियायै) | To the one who loves fragrant flowers |
104 | Shyamalayai (श्यामलायै) | To the one with a charming dusky complexion |
105 | Sarvajanamangaladevatayai (सर्वजनमङ्गलदेवतायै) | To the goddess who bestows auspiciousness upon everyone |
106 | Vasudhaputryai (वसुधापुत्र्यै) | To the one born of the earth (Goddess Sita) |
107 | Matangyai (मातङ्ग्यै ) | To the one as majestic as an elephant |
108 | Sitayai (सीतायै ) | To Goddess Sita herself, the divine consort of Lord Rama |
30 Top Goddess Sita Names For Baby Girl in Hindi
The goddess Sita is considered one of the most beautiful and virtuous gods in the Trinity. She was born from Mother Earth and signifies the brilliant creation of divine power. Her name carries the virtue of truthfulness and personifies a perfect character. Find out the top 30 Hindi names for baby girls that honor the goddess Sita.
SL No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Bahuputrika | Goddess Sita |
2 | Bhaumi | One who is born from mother Earth |
3 | Bhaumisha | Earth; Goodness of Sita |
4 | Chrisitta | Like Sita |
5 | Janaki Priya | The beloved daughter of King of Janak |
6 | Janaknandini | Another name for Goddess Sita |
7 | Janki | Other names of Goddess Sita |
8 | Lakshaki | Name of Goddess Seeta |
9 | Lasaki | Lasaki means goddess sita,also the one who is made of lac |
10 | Maithili | King Janak, the king of Mithila’s daughter |
11 | Mithilesh | The daughter of King of Mithila |
12 | Mrunmayee | Another name for Goddess sita who made up of earth or clay |
13 | Mythili | Another title for Goddess Sita |
14 | Parthavi | Parthavi means the daughter of the mother Earth; Another epithet for Goddess Sita and Mother Lakshmi |
15 | Ram Pyari | Someone who Lord Rama loves |
16 | Rameti | Another name of Goddess Sita |
17 | Rameetha | Goddess Sita |
18 | Raghavi | Wife of Ragava |
19 | Janak Dulari | The beloved daughter of Maharaj Janak. |
20 | Lavamatre | Mother of Lava. |
21 | Shea | Fairy Palace; From the Fairy Fort; Admirable; Goddess Sita; Another name for Lord Rama’s Wife |
22 | Sia | Moonlight which is white in color, A beautiful woman, White durva grass, another name of Arabian jasmine, One who brings Joy to others and is considered to be a Blessing |
23 | Sitashi | An epithet of Goddess Sita herself |
24 | Sitesh | It means goddess sita who is white as moonlight and sweet like candied sugar |
25 | Shivasaathi | Another name of Goddess Sita |
26 | Shita | Wife of Lord Rama |
27 | Siya | Another title for Goddess Sita |
28 | Vachya | Goddess sita’s nickname |
29 | Vaidehi | Vaidehi means goddess sita, the daughter of the king of Videha, father of Sita |
30 | Vaidhe | Wife of Lord Rama |
30 Sanskrit Baby Girl Names Inspired By Goddess Sita
Sanskrit baby names are often very powerful and carry deeper meanings than modern names. Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages and has beautiful, graceful names from different epics. The top 30 Sanskrit goddess Sita names for newborn girls are listed below.
SL No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Ayoni | One who appears out of their own desire |
2 | Bhavya | The most beautiful one |
3 | Bhumija | One born from mother Earth |
4 | Harini | As beautiful and as graceful as a deer; goddess Sita |
5 | Hiranya | Radiant as molten gold, like goddess Sita |
6 | Jagatpriya | Dearest to the whole world |
7 | Janakatmaja | The one who understands the sentiments of his father |
8 | Janaki | Daughter of king Janak who appeared from the ground of yagya |
9 | Janaknandini | Beloved daughter of King Janak |
10 | Kripapiyush Jaladhi | One who showers abundance of grace |
11 | Maithili | Supreme goddess of the clan Mithi |
12 | Mithileshkumari | Daughter of king of Mithila |
13 | Priyarha | A perfect match of Shri Rama |
14 | Rajrajeswari | The supreme goddess |
15 | Ramaa | The one who disports with Lord Rama |
16 | Ragavapriya | Beloved of Lord Rama |
17 | Ramaballava | Supreme consort of Lord Rama |
18 | Ramapriya | Dear to Lord Rama |
19 | Rasodbhava | One who appeared from mother Earth instead of a mothers womb |
20 | Sarveshvari | The supreme goddess |
21 | Sarveshvarpriya | Dearest to Lord Rama |
22 | Saumya | The pleasant one |
23 | Sita | Who removes sorrows of all living beings and does welfare of all beings |
24 | Subhaga | The auspicious lady |
25 | Sunayanasuta | One who increases the happiness of her mother Sunayana |
26 | Susheela | One with the purest conduct |
27 | Shrivatsa | Beloved of Shri (Vishnu), here Rama |
28 | Tarini | The one who liberates |
29 | Tara | The radiant one |
30 | Vaidehi | The best among all devis |
20 Hindu Goddess Sita Names For Baby Girl in Telugu
The Ramayana has an unimaginable impact on the family and social lives of people from all spheres of India. Southeast India did hear tales from the Ramayana, and because they have great reverence for Sita, they name their newborn girls after her. Below, we have mentioned the 20 best goddess Sita names in Telugu.
SL No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Avanija | One Born out of the Earth |
2 | Janakaja | Daughter of King Janak |
3 | Jhanaki | Another name of Goddess Sita |
4 | Lakshaki | Goddess Sita |
5 | Maithili | One who is born in Maithili |
6 | Meenakshi | Goddess Parvati; Goddess Sita |
7 | Midhila | Sita’s Birth Place; Goddess Sita |
8 | Kushambhika | Mother of Kusha. |
9 | Ram Mohini | The one who enchants Sri Ram. |
10 | Parthivi | Mother Earth’s daughter |
11 | Parvathama | Goddess Sita |
12 | Parvathi | Goddess Parvati; Goddess Sita |
13 | Prithvi | Daughter of the Land/Earth |
14 | Prithvi | One who is born from the Earth |
15 | Rameetha | One who is close to Lord Rama |
16 | Seetasree | Goddess Sita |
17 | Seethamma | Goddess Sita |
18 | Siya | Another name for Goddess Sita |
19 | Videha | A Province Country in Ancient India, where Goddess Sita was Born |
20 | Vachya | Blamed; Goddess Sita |
20 Goddess Sita Names For Baby Girl in Tamil
Tamil culture is well known for its traditions and strong beliefs. The epic Ramayana is widely followed by most Tamilians across the world. We have provided a rich collection of Goddess Sita names for baby girls in Tamil.
SL No | Name | Meaning |
1 | Ayonija | Goddess Sita ; She who is of miraculous birth ; Not born in the womb |
2 | Kanaka | Gold; Another name for Sita |
3 | Kshitija | Another name for Horizon where the endless sky and the sea appears to meet |
4 | Kumari | One who is youthful and young in nature like Sita |
5 | Lakshaki | Goddess Sita |
6 | Paarthivi | Daughter of mother Earth |
7 | Satya | One which is truthful and real like Goddess Sita’s Character |
8 | Shinta | Sita’s name in Indonesia |
9 | Shrutakirti | The youngest daughter of King Janaka who is renowned and respected by all |
10 | Sia | Goddess Sita also described as White Moonlight and a beautiful woman |
11 | Sitaa | Wife of Lord Rama |
12 | Sitadevi | Another name for Goddess Sita who is the wife of Lord Rama |
13 | Sitashi | Goddess Sita’s epithet |
14 | Sitesh | The light half of the month. The period from new moon to full Moon |
15 | Sitta | Nickname for Goddess Sita |
16 | Sivasathi | Goddess Sita who is the companion of Lord Rama |
17 | Siya | Goddess Sita |
18 | Valli | Sita |
19 | Vaidhe | Goddess Sita ; The king of Videha ; Father of Sita; A dweller in Videha |
20 | Vaidehi | Goddess Sita |
Goddess Sita is a representation of valor, sincerity, commitment, loyalty, and sacrifice. Sita is portrayed as the perfect mother, wife, and daughter in the epic Ramayana. So, naming a girl after a virtuous goddess like Sita is often the first preference for many parents, as the name itself carries immense significance.
Read Also: 100 Hindu Goddess Lakshmi Names for Your Baby Girl