The 1-3 year olds are energy powerhouses, curious explorers and amazing copy cats. They also tend to get bored easily. If you have to attend a toddler’s birthday party, picking up a gift can be confusing owing their short spans of interest and the fact that they outgrow toys very soon. However, the fact remains that toddlers can understand most of the things. They love to pretend and imagine things while playing. They have a longer span of attention and can focus on things that require attention and determination. They like creating new things and experimenting with the old ones. Here is a list of some perfect gifts for 1-3 years old.
1.Playing Sets – As children this age love to pretend, a good gift for them are playing sets which make them pretend and imagine new scenarios. Girls have a lot of fun playing with dollhouses, kitchen sets, laundry sets, jewellery making sets, etc. Girls like to pretend that they are their doll’s mothers and love to dress them up, feed them and do all the things that their mothers do with them. They like to copy their mothers by cooking with the kitchen sets. Boys, on the other hand, like to play with construction sets, farm sets, building blocks, etc. A doctor set is also a good gift for both boys and girls. They will have even more fun if you join them as well.
2. Art and Craft kits – Children this age are usually familiar with shapes and colours. An art kit a fun way to improve their knowledge and creativity. Buy a kit that comes with colours, round-tip scissors, colored papers, etc. to keep your child engaged. If you are worried about the crayons leaving marks on you walls then you can buy washable crayons. You will be surprised by your child’s talent once you let them paint their imagination on paper. You can help them make collages of their favourite things and once they are done, you can hang their finished pieces on their bedroom walls giving them a sense of pride and happiness.
3. Books – Books are the best way to boost your child’s intelligence. If you inculcate the habit of reading books at an early age then your child will have no problem in learning when he/she goes to school. You can start by simple books like that which have names and pictures of Alphabets, Numbers, Colours, Fruits, Vegetables, Transportation, etc. Once your child has learnt these, you can move on to show and tell books, nursery rhyme books and story books.
4. Memory games – These games are a great way to enhance your child’s memory. Games where you have to match similar things or where you have to count the number of things will boost your child’s mental faculties. Puzzles are also a good way to let your child play and learn at the same time. Simple puzzles with 3-4 pieces and colourful pictures of birds, animals, cars, fruits, etc. will be delightful for your kids. They will not only learn but will also be excited when they finish a puzzle successfully.
5. Outdoor play sets – If you do not have a park in your vicinity then playground sets are a perfect way for your child to play without going anywhere. Place them in your garden or your backyard and let your child have as much fun as he/she wants without having to worry about their getting hurt. You can work at/from home and keep an eye on your children while they are playing, all at the same time.
We hope that your gifts are loved by your toddlers and they can keep it itched in their minds for atleast a few months, which is a lot at their age!!