Many women might have noticed their period blood black color. Why is it so? It may alarm you to see black blood, but it doesn’t necessarily indicate a problem. The color is associated with brown blood, which is old blood. It may look like coffee grounds.
In most cases, there is black blood associated with blood that is taking a little extra time to leave the uterus. During a woman’s menstruation, black blood may appear either at the beginning or end of her period.
Why is Period Blood Black In Color?
There are various reasons behind the period of blood black color. The dark or black color of the blood appears when the blood is not evacuated fast enough from the uterus. This slow discharged blood becomes deoxygenated and due to this the period of blood black color changes from red to black.
Types / Causes Of Period Blood Black
Period Blood Black is caused due to many reasons. Here are some common ones:
1. Normal period
During the period, you may see black blood discharged from the vagina before the start of the menstruation or after the menstruation. Black blood before the period starts because of the elimination of old tissues of the endometrium from the uterus in preparation for menstruation.
2. Uterine polyps
A uterine polyp can prevent the cervix, resulting in the gathering of blood in the uterus. This can cause blood to become dark while coming out of your vagina.
3. Hormonal imbalance
Hormonal imbalance or fluctuations in hormones are either due to medical condition which causes a black blood period.
4. Ovulation
Ovulation is the split of a developed follicle present in the ovary with the release of an egg or ovum. This ovum or egg, when together fertilized by the sperm, makes you pregnant.
During this process, slight bleeding was seen to become out from the vagina as dark black blood about a week after the period ends. It can be ovulated and mainly halts in a few days with some cramps.
Other symptoms and signs of ovulation are
- Ovulation cramps or pain
- Stretchy Clear, watery discharge
- The temperature of the body increased after ovulation.
- The slight dip in basal body temperature just before ovulation
- It will increase the sexual desire
5. Pregnancy
If you experience the brown, black blood a week or days before the menstruation, it may be due to implantation bleeding or pregnancy. Black blood a few days before the menstruation is a sign of pregnancy, or it could be caused by an infection or disease.
Dark Red Period Blood: Could I Be Pregnant?
In some cases, some women experience a brown discharge instead of a period. Light bleeding around 6-7 days past ovulation is usually associated with implantation bleeding. This discharge could be pinkish in color or bright red. The light color of implantation bleeding suggests that the blood is fresh from the fertilized egg trying to attach and bury itself in the uterine lining.
If you are trying to conceive and you have sex close to ovulation, wait until you have missed your period to test for pregnancy. Women with endometriosis, PCOS, and Ovarian Premature failure also experience discharge or mucus before their period.
Period Blood Black At The Beginning Of Menstruation
Dark blood at the beginning of the period is very common. This is the process in which the uterus gets rid of old blood that it didn’t expel in the previous cycle. The period should be back to its usual red after 1 -2days of black period spotting or flow.
Black Discharge After Period
Usually, the color of the release is bright yellow or white; it actually maintains the cleanliness of the vaginal area. But sometimes woman faces black discharge after the period it is mainly because of improper or lack of nutrition, infection, disease, change in the menstrual cycle, and birth control pills intake.